

Northern California - Half Moon Bay

northern california raptorama

Coastside Land & Trust Presents Raptorama

Northern California Raptorama’s raptor experts and local organizations will lead workshops and walks during this weekend long event November 8th, 9th & 10th.

Raptor enthusiasts, experts, and local organizations will be leading walks, workshops, and talks.

Outdoor walks will explore a variety of coastal open spaces and indoor workshop topics will include raptors, beginning birding, birding photography, and children’s birding.


Adult tickets for each event are $15 and youth tickets for $5 are available for individuals age 16 & under. All youth must be accompanied by an adult.

19 Raptor Walks, Beach Walks or Workshops

Workshops are indoors at Cameron’s Pub (1410 Cabrillo Hwy South, Half Moon Bay) and will proceed regardless of weather. Walks are hosted at different locations and walk leaders will decide whether to proceed at the walk start time.

Friday from 5-8 there is a welcome Reception & California Raptor Art showing at the Coastside Land and Trust. On Saturday night, a buffet dinner at Cameron’s Pub will feature Allen Fish, Golden Gate Raptor Observatory Director as the keynote Speaker. He’ll wind way through a myriad of bird of prey-related factoids, myths, and soundbites, which will keep you guessing, raise your eyebrows, and bump your funny bone.

For specifics and signing up you and your kids, please visit and consider staying on the Coastside this weekend to see something like this beauty.

CLT Raptor